visit the Families and Whānau/Maths At Our House area of the NZMaths website, for a whole range of ideas on how you can raise awareness and share mathematics using everyday experiences and resources found around your home...
... and if you just LOVE numbers (and don't we all?), take a look at this link, also through to the NZMaths website, where you will find weekly plans in a wide variety of areas relating to number, for example, Number Knowledge and Geometry, Number Knowledge and Patterns, and several more.
Learning About -teen and -ty Numbers, Part 1
Learning About -teen and -ty Numbers, Part 2
Thinking about Problem Solving
Listen here for some hints when you're thinking about solving a Maths problem.
The Chocolate Shop Problem
Have fun with this Maths problem! You might like to change the numbers (from 16 to another one of the -teen numbers), draw your chocolates, and then write your numbers, just as you saw in the video.
-teen and -ty Numbers
It's great to practise and learn more about the -teen and -ty numbers and what the endings of these words actually mean. Check out this great range of activities which will help you with your learning about these numbers.
Numbers 0 - 20
It's important to know your numbers to 20. Can you count forwards and backwards? Here are some ideas to help you.
Skip counting...
Practise your skip counting in 10s, and then challenge yourself with skip counting in 5s: this fun activity is called Fifty Toes
Learn to read and recognise the numbers to 20. Do you know them if they are mixed up?
You could make some cards or print these ones.
Can you count forwards to 20 and then back to 0? Can you count from any number to another number, e.g., 6 to 11, 15 back to 4.
Once you can do this, try numbers to 50, then to 100.
Letterbox maths - skip counting in 2s
This is called skip counting.
Skip counting is when we miss out a number. Usually, when we skip count in 2s, we use the even numbers.
How many ..?
How many ____ can you or someone in your house do in a minute?
How many star jumps, skips, meters can you run, words can you write? What other ideas can you come up with.
Three Cold Kittens
Here is a link to a maths problem involving kittens. It has lots of helpful tips to solve the problem and the types of materials you could use to help. You can also try it again, using different numbers of kittens.
Buttons and Bears
Here is a link to a maths problem involving buttons and bears. It has lots of helpful tips to solve the problem and the types of materials you could use to help.
Cars in garages
Here is a link to a maths problem involving cars. It has lots of helpful tips to solve the problem and what materials you will need. You can also try again and use different numbers.
New Entrant Resource pack
This link goes to the school website New Entrant page. On this page is a link to some New Entrant number and alphabet resources.